Stone & Adobe
Project type:
Album Artwork
In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of
David Bowie’s alter-ego ‘Ziggy Stardust’, Rolling Stone UK and Adobe have asked
me to reimagine the artist’s iconic album cover: ‘The Rise and Fall of Ziggy
Stardust and the Spiders from Mars’, using Adobe’s new David Bowie inspired
For my reimagined David Bowie 1972 album, I wanted to create an otherworldly futuristic setting framing the story behind the album, whilst linking recognisable elements of Ziggy Stardust throughout. The iconic imagery acts as the focal element, descending and ascending simultaneously, in line with his centrality in a narrative that presents a complete “birth-to-death chronology” of Ziggy.
Read full article here.
For my reimagined David Bowie 1972 album, I wanted to create an otherworldly futuristic setting framing the story behind the album, whilst linking recognisable elements of Ziggy Stardust throughout. The iconic imagery acts as the focal element, descending and ascending simultaneously, in line with his centrality in a narrative that presents a complete “birth-to-death chronology” of Ziggy.
Read full article here.